Before we started to make our video, we found that there we several things we needed to consider carefully. For example location, clothing and actors. In this case we needed to think about what type of equipment we would need to make our video shoot a success. I decided to do a little diagram showing the type of equipment we would need:
I think the most obvious piece of equipment we would need for our filming would be a camera. I guess were lucky that we have very good quality video cameras at our disposal, Good cameras mean good quality. As a group we were also lucky to have one member of our group who own a good quality camera, allowing us to take two different shots as we record one scene which I think is a blessing. Before we got to use these cameras we were pretty much ameteurs, some of us had no clue as to where the on button was (me). Luckily we had a way to overcome this problem, this was to do practice shots on other students, which allowed us to familiarise our selves with camera. For example, how to turn it on, how to zoom in and out and most important how to take care of it. After this was done we were ready to go!
Another piece of equipment we considered was a tri-pod. We found that this piece of equipment would be very necessary when making our video as we can not just stick our camera on the tripod and just reacord our actors, no way! that would be boring and poor. So what we did was to look at the original video and see when the tripod was needed. For example for tracking. In some scenes in our music video our camera needed to be hand held, so we did not exactly need the tripod for every scene.
Lighting... this was a tricky one for use. Not tricky as in we didn't know what to use, but tricky as we needed to get the exact lighting effect or the music video would not be as effective as we wanted it to be. We ended up using bedroom and lamps and two halogen light which I came across in my garage. These helped us a lot as it allowed us to adjust the lighting when it came to different scenes. For example if we needed a darker and not so bright lighting for a certain scene we would use the bedroom lamps. But if needed very bright lighting we would use the halogen lighting.
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